November 17, 2009

My Macbook's Hard Drive Is Dead!

Nothing more annoying and frustrating than having a dead Hard Drive or a dying Hard Drive. I have replaced/upgraded lots friends dying Hard Drive and saved them a huge amount of money going to a computer technician. I never thought this would happened to me personally in a very untimely fashion. We all know that at some point HD's will die eventually and all you got to do is replace it. What's so infuriating about my experience is that I was not expecting my HD to die soon though I am expecting it in a year or two. I've had this Macbook for exactly two years now. The first year was smooth sailing and I was happy with the switch from PC. Second year, I started to notice some changes with the hard drive primarily the noise, it was negligible so I just ignored it. Then, I started to notice that my Macbook was getting very hot in a short time as a result draining my battery quickly. Eventually, today at 1pm I just found out that my 2 year old Macbook's Hard Drive just completely stopped working. I tried to resurrect it but to know avail, A quick rush to PC world for HD hunting. Because of the varieties of HD brands it took me a while to decide the one suitable for my need. Finally, I settled with WD Scorpio Blue 320GB. It cost me 70£ a bit expensive but considering the time and need this was my best option. Good that I backed up my HD so all the precious files are not lost. I strongly suggest that you should back up your files it is a life saver indeed. What where the signs of my dying HD? First HD noise, I am not sure if that was mechanical or software related, one thing for sure that familiar grinding noise was present when I tried to resuscitate it. Secondly, some minor system failure like not responding, random freezes, and memory problem these are all retrospective now. if you want to know more about the signs of a dying HD click here. We have to vigilant about our Hard Drive's behavior to avoid headache. I am not saying that Apple's factory HD are mediocre. It is very important also to understand the lifespan of our HD's so we can do some planning in replacing it. For me I did both, from 160 to 320 gb. I am just hoping that this will last longer.

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