August 04, 2010

Apple's Mediocre Replacement Unit

Last week my 3gs shall I say gave up on me after a year of using it. So I went to Apple store in London to have it checked. The genius bar guy ran the usual diagnostic test and confirmed the problem.

I then went home activated it and use the phone as normal. After couple of days I noticed that when making calls it took longer to dial and complete the call, the words "calling + the mobile no." stayed for at least 2 mins then cut off. It's bizzare to have that problem and delay.... So I phoned my carrier network just to make sure that I have no problem with my account nor signal in my area. The network provider said everything was fine. It made me suspicious so I tested the problem further, this time more extensive it involves calling different numbers and asked friends to call me also. I even tried calling my iphone in front of me and it does not ring at all. So I was pretty sure that there was a problem with the replacement unit. I went back to Apple store for the second time and the genius bar chap ran some test, the guy even showed me the missed calls and dropped calls percentage and uttered that there is a problem with the phone. I had another replacement for the second time.

I also noticed something on the display of the replacement iphone. The display is dull and darker than what it used to be. So, I compared two iPhone screens with exactly the same settings and the difference cannot be ignored.

The one on the right is the replacement, you can clearly see the dull almost yellow color.

The genius bar guy also agreed and decided right away to change the unit because I wasn't happy at all.

It seems rediculous that Apple would give you a mediocre replacement be it under warranty or Apple care claim but they do so, it's up to us to be vigilant and make sure we are happy with the device.

- Posted from my iPhone

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